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O Magazine

A hand-crafted magazine issue inspired by Swan Lake



Hand craft high-fashion couture garments and magazine based off of a pre-existing narrative, but add in a twist that alters the original ending. Display the narrative throughout the fashion garments, spread designs and copy. 

Based on the given requirements, I was inspired by the Russian ballet play, Swan Lake, except unlike in the original story where Odette dies through suicide since she cannot be with the prince, Odette instead transforms into Odile, who is a more independent and stronger version of herself. 

Full Spreads


For the final design for the white swan, I knew I wanted a white dress with a big flowy skirt, to symbolize that at the start of the story, the white swan was still hoping to marry the prince and become a princess. I discovered a wedding gown at Goodwill and resew the giant mermaid tail to be a shorter skirt. When making final decisions for the gown, I decided to keep some of the features that made the dress look like a wedding dress, since Odette was supposted to still be in love with the prince at this point. 

And for the final design for the black swan, my idea was to strip her of all the soft layers seen in white swan's dress, and make her look as bold and harsh as possible. While the white swan's gown has very few feathers, the black swan is supposed to show the harsh transformation of Odette accepting herself for who she is, so I created an entire cape of black feathers to emphasize her metamorphism.

Original Dress


Original dress



Modified Dress

Odette Sketch
Odile Sketch


Extra Photos

Model: Carah Lo
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